Categories for WordPress for WordPress displays your latest bookmarks in your WordPress blog.


  • Simply
  • Customizable
  • Widget ready
  • Uses WordPress resources (no extra files needed)
  • No options page (yes, it’s a feature)
  • Displays bookmarks description (optional)
  • Displays bookmarks tags (optional)
  • Filter bookmarks by tag(s) (optional)
  • Multiple widgets (Thanks to Michael Feichtinger)


Drop the delicious-for-wordpress folder into /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plug in.


If you use WordPress widgets, just drag the widget into your sidebar and configure.
If widgets aren’t your thing, use the following code to display your latest bookmarks:

delicious_bookmarks('username'); for WordPress also has several configurable options. Here’s what you can configure:

delicious_bookmarks('username', [bookmarks], [list], [timestamp], [display-tags], ['filter-tags'], [display-desc], ['nodisplaytags'], ['globaltags'], , [encode_utf8]);
  • username: your username
  • bookmarks: number of bookmarks to show
  • list: show bookmarks in a unordered list
  • timestamp: show a relative timestamp
  • display-desc: show bookmark description
  • display-tags: show bookmark tags
  • filter-tags: only show bookmarks under the given tag(s). Format: cat+dog+fish
  • display-desc: Displays the bookmark description
  • nodisplaytags: Hide given tag(s). Format: cat+dog+fish
  • globaltags: Tags scope: globals (true) or user based (false)
  • encode_utf8:turn it on if you have encoding problems

Only username is required. The other parameters will take this default values:

delicious_bookmarks('username', 5, true, true, false, '', false, '', false, false);

This is: 5 bookmarks, in a list, with timestamps, no display tags, no filtering tags, no display descriptions, no hiding tags and user based scoped tags.

So, if I wanted to show my last 5 bookmarks, not in a list, with timestamps, no tags, filter by wordpress and plugin tags,with descriptions, hiding wordpress tag and global tag scope I would use the following:

delicious_bookmarks('username', 5, false, true, false, 'wordpress+plugin', true, 'wordpress', true);


The plug in provides the following CSS classes:

  • ul.delicious: the main ul (if list is activated)
  • li.delicious-item: the ul items (if list is activated)
  • p.delicious-bookmark: each one of the paragraphs (if tracks > 1)
  • span.delicious-timestamp: the timestamp span class
  • span.delicious-desc: the description span class
  • a.delicious-link: the bookmark link class
  • div.delicious-tags: the tags container div
  • a.delicious-link-tag: the tag link class

Live Demo

delicious_bookmarks('ryck', 5, true, true, true, 'wordpress', false, 'wordpress', false);


Version History

1.0 – 2008/08/01

  • Delicious 2.0 support

1.8 – 2008/04/08

  • Now using human_time_diff() instead own function: better performance, less code and automagically i18n!

1.7 – 2008/04/03

  • Added encode_utf8 option in order to (hopefully) fix the encoding issues.

1.6 – 2008/02/04

Version History

1.5 – 2008/02/04

Version History

1.4 – 2008/01/03

1.3.2 – 2007/09/26

  • Fixed Widget configuration errors. Props to Dave B.

1.3.1 – 2007/09/09

  • Fixed more HTML encoding issues. Props to Kyle.

1.3 – 2007/09/08

  • Added display description option. Suggested by Kyle.
  • Fixed some HTML encoding issues. Props to Dave.

1.2 – 2007/09/05

  • Added tag filter option. Suggested by Geoffrey Harder.

1.1 – 2007/08/28

  • Added display tag support.

1.0 – 2007/08/22

  • Initial Release.



Suggestion, fixes, rants, congratulations, gifts et al to rick[at] or by my contact page.


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506 replies on “ for WordPress”

[…] for WordPress on käytössä Suosittelen -välilehdellä. Lisäosan avulla pystyn yhdistämään Delicious -käyttäjätunnukselle tallentamani linkit. on sosiaalinen kirjainmerkkien (tai tuttavalisesti suosikkien) jakamiseen tarkoitettu sivusto. Sen avulla voi hallita, lisätä, avainmerkitä ja jakaa kirjanmerkkejäsi. Suuren yhteisönsä vuoksi sivusto on mahtava paikka linkkien jakamiseen, löytämiseen ja muistamiseen. […]

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